Friday, May 1, 2009

Mo peas

That is what Lulu says when she takes her medicine these days. She is so funny. Her favorite word is more. But it has to be more of something sweet. More candy, more juice, more crackers (I guess those aren't sweet).

Yesterday she said waffle. It was more like wafa and turned to wawa when Mr. came home, but it is fun to hear her new words. The doctor said with lots of ear infections there is sometimes hearing loss. When she repeats words, I know she can hear, so that makes me feel better.

Lulu is a little dare devil. She lets go of the swing and falls off without crying. She tumbles down the stairs and laughs after a bit. She likes to run as fast as she can between the fireplace and the couch and usually falls, without crying. She runs out in the cul-de-sac and waves at the cars as they approach. She races her trike down the sloped driveway and jumps the curb. She ran outside to the trampoline pit and jumped in with her bucket and shovel and started digging. She has had a few scrapes and bruises, but she is determined to go and do. She is so fun to watch and play with and tease. Today she let me use the aspirator and clear her nostrils. She just laid there and when I was done, what did she say? "Mo peas."

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