Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Team Meeting

As a mom, I think I felt like I was doing everything for everyone. Which is an exaggeration, but when you do and do and don't get much help yourself, it feels that way sometimes. When we got home from church this week, I asked Mimi to help put away the dishes. She got mad at me and said, "Why should I?" I tried to explain to her that she can learn now to help and then when she is a mom she can teach her kids to help. Then she won't feel like a servant or maid all the time.

Later, I called a team meeting. We talked about what a team was--a group of people doing something together. They try to win. They play football and get a trophy (per Lulu). We decided we can watch 1 show together in the evening. The rest of the time we will draw, play games, read, or bake together. At 8, we do a mess pick-up and then have prayers and go to bed. It has worked great. I feel better and everyone is contributing.

Last night we colored, made cupcakes, and mopped the floor together. We made some messes that led to the mopping. Everyone pitched in and enjoyed the fruits of our labors. This new schedule feels so much better. Now the challenge is keeping it up. Why did this take me so long to figure out?

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